നിറഭേദങ്ങള്‍: Transition of colours

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Do we really njoy?

general trend of a human being from the normal indian or kerala culture is like you in the childhood he plays and learns or tries to capture the first n class and goes for scoring high marks (he didnt realize that its the best days of his life).....then goes for studies forgetting his old pals ...and loved ones from childhood ......meeting new guys and planning to capture the fantasies of the world ........getting facinated by the opposite grps ....falling n luv...(some people only n this grp where they r njoing the life for some time)...running behind money ....bringing up the children ,,,,jobs ...profiles ...tension ...and finally...when he retires ...he starts living ......and realizing that its almost the end ..and you have forgotton to live ......Is this the way we want to be ?

I was wondering on this aspect .....What I feel s better.......... we live on each moment....


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